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David Lewin was born in London in 1932. Moving with the family to Sydney when he was a child. His hobby as he got older was motor sport and he went rallying. He was a founder member of the North Shore Sporting Car Club, now said to be the most prestigious in Australia and became great friends with David McKay, Australia’s first professional racing driver.
On alternate weekends he flew to Europe to cover the Grand Prix for Modern Motor Magazine, owned by Australian Consolidated Press who had offices in Fleet Street. In the 1950s monochrome photographs were required for publication but, as colour had just come in, he took colour transparencies for future interest. David left photography as a profession in the mid-1960's to pursue a career in dentistry.
The collection of photographs you see here cover the period 1957 to 1961. Other than the photographs published in the press at the time, none of this photographic archive has ever been seen before.